How do I cancel travel?

  • All air travel can be cancelled using the Concur booking tool, Western Digital’s online booking portal or your country's specific booking tool.
    For U.S. employees:
    • Start the Concur portal -
    • You will see your trip confirmation on the left side bar
    • After opening your travel details, you will have the option to cancel your entire trip.  A credit will be applied for future business travel. 

How do I cancel my hotel accommodation?

  • You will not have to cancel your hotel room. We have taken the necessary steps to cancel all the reservations for Global Sales Meeting.

What if I extended my stay? (pre or post) personal travel in conjuction with GSM?

  • If you booked a separate hotel accomodation pre or post of Sales Meeting, you will have to contact the hotel directly to cancel any personal hotel nights.  Questions contact:

Do I have to pay for my accommodations?

  • Western Digital has cancelled the April program and there will be no charge to you. 

Can I get help from Corporate Travel in cancelling my personal reservation?

Will GSM be re-scheduled to later this year?

  • We will have the re-scheduled dates to you soon. 

How can I conact the conference organizers if I have a question that is not addressed in this FAQ?